Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)

Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)
last updated: 2002-09-09
News Archive

2001-01-30: Reference Implementation with InterBase 6.
We upgraded the test system with an InterBase 6 database system. Therefore any files can be immediately uploaded as needed.

2000-12-07: Reference Implementation is online!
We have installed a test system for OpenUSS. Just go to the reference implementation! We hope, we'll get some feedback for this. Have fun!

2000-11-13: New logo!
Many thanks to Dirk Loss - our member - we have now a very good looking logo! Look at our logo page for more information! This logo will be used as our main logo.

2000-10-14: 300 downloads after a week!
The interest in EJB technology and Open Source is very big! This is what we can summarize after a week Alpha Release of OpenUSS (take a look at our statistics). The white paper for the OpenUSS Community is now online. So if someone wants to join us, just go there!

2000-10-05: The first Alpha Release of OpenUSS!
You can download the first alpha release of OpenUSS incl. all the sourcecodes (Enhydra PO, EJBs, etc.)! Just go to download page!

2000-09-22: WAP support.
The presentation group has released a new HTML storyboard with a WAP support. This means that you can watch the news of every faculty in your WAP phone!

2000-09-19: Introducing some marketing kits!
As you can see, we now have some logos and banners for our OpenUSS project!

2000-09-03: Developers, join our mailing list!
As a developer you can join our mailing list, if you want to be informed every time we have something new for you. We expect to release the first source code at the end of September. Don't miss this!

2000-08-14: Enhydra Enterprise is going forward!
Enhydra Enterprise Alpha 2 includes the following J2EE APIs: Servlet, JSP, JNDI, EJB, JTA, and JDBC. For OpenUSS this means that we don't have to install a separate EJB server anymore to handle our business objects. Just watch it in Our specification for the data object group is also available.

2000-06-28: CampusSource.
We had a workshop in Hagen (Germany). The result of this workshop can be found at There is also a new article from us about CVS (How to use CVS as a versioning system in an open source project). We also add some new links in OSS. For the developers' news please refer to the developers' page.

2000-05-30: We are now online!
Thank's to SourceForge we are now online! We'll register this site in Open Source Web Ring as well. Please send your comments and just tell us if you want to join us!

2000-05-29: Open Source Project for Universities and Faculties.
This is the first Open Source Project for an administration system aiming to support universities and faculties. Our mission is to establish a standard OpenUSS API (Open University Support System Application Programming Interface) for a system that can be used for all universities and faculties. We also want to offer a reference implementation for this API. This system should make it easy to publish documents, lectures and exercises for professors, assistant and secretaries at the institute and faculty. Besides it should be the main portal for all the students to get the most up-to-date information for their lectures and exercises.
For more information look at our mission.

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