Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)

Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)
last updated: 2002-09-09

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Who is who in OpenUSS

These are the persons, who make this project possible. Please look to our members page to see other persons, who help us making this project successfully!

  Prof. Dr. Heinz Lothar Grob

As the chairman of the Intitute of Business Informatics and Controlling at the University of Muenster, his main research area is Controlling and CAL+CAT (Computer Assisted Learning, Computer Assisted Teaching).

His institute can be found at

  Dr. Frank Bensberg

Frank Bensberg is working as assistant researcher at the Institute of Business Informatics at the Westfaelische Wilhelms-University (Muenster). His research interest concentrates on Data Mining, Web Mining and CAL+CAT (Computer Assisted Learning, Computer Assisted Teaching). He just finished his doctor thesis dealing with Web Log Mining in internet-based markets.

  Dipl.-Wirt. Inform. Blasius Lofi Dewanto

His experience in programming began 15 years ago with Basic for IBM Compatible PC/XT. After he finished his study at Business Informatics Faculty at the University of Muenster, he is working as assistant researcher at the Intitute of Prof. Dr. H. L. Grob. In his spare time he writes articles for German "Java Magazin", "Der Entwickler" and "Linux Enterprise".


All of online articles are provided by:

Publications in OSS and OpenUSS (2) Date and Place
cHL ComputergestützteHochsculLehre: Dokumentation zum cHL-Tag 2000: Grob, H. L., Bensberg, F., Dewanto, B. L., Das cHL-Administrationssystem OpenUSS (in German). ISBN 3-8258-5535-x
Extreme Programming in Java: eXtreme Koffein (in German). Java Magazin Edition 12.2001 December.

Design Patterns OpenUSS Part 1: Design Patterns in OpenUSS (in German).

Java Magazin Edition 12.2001 December.

Open Source J2EE Frameworks: OfBiz, OpenSymphony and Arch4J (in German). Java Magazin Edition 1.2002 January.
Open Source Team Development in (in German) Java Magazin Edition 2.2002 February.
Design Patterns OpenUSS Part 2: BLOB Big and Beautiful (in German).  Java Magazin Edition 2.2002 February.
Design Patterns OpenUSS Part 3: Divide et impera! (in German). Java Magazin Edition 6.2002 June.
Publications in OSS and OpenUSS (1) Date and Place
Arbeitsberichte der Reihe CAL+CAT: Grob, H. L., Bensberg, F., Dewanto, B. L., Das cHL-Redaktionssystem InterUSS (in German). Arbeisbericht Nr. 14. Muenster 1999.
JOnAs: Java Open Application Server - Bohnen-Server for free (in German). This article covers JOnAs. Java Magazin Edition 5.2000 May.
Enhydra: Ein Wasserbär mag Java-Kaffee (in German). This article covers Enhydra. Java Magazin Edition 6.2000 June.
CVS: Tanz der Versionen (in German). This article covers CVS and shows how to use CVS for an open source project management. Java Magazin Edition 7.2000 July and Linux Enterprise Edition 1.2000 August/September.
ArgoUML: Das UML-Team (in German). This article covers UML-Tools available on the market. One part of it also shows the features of ArgoUML. Java Magazin Edition 7.2000 July.
OpenSource EJB-Server jBoss 2.0: Wer ist hier der Boss? (in German). This article covers jBoss 2.0 as an open source EJB server. Java Magazin Edition 8.2000 August.
Java Community Process 2.0. This article covers how the JCP 2.0 actually works. (in German). Java Magazin Edition 9.2000 September.
HypersonicSQL and InstantDB: Open Source Relational Databases (in German). This article compares the functionalities of these two open source databases. Java Magazin Edition 10.2000 October.
Open Source Mediators/Intermediaries: and Where the com meets the org (in German). This article shows, how the open source software development process can be supported within the services of SourceXchange and SourceForge. Linux Enterprise Edition 2.2000 October.
Open Source Background, Projects and its relationship with Java. This article gives an overview about the relationship between Open Source software development and the Java platform. Java Magazin Edition 11.2000 November.
Tech. Overview: Enhydra, XMLC, Kelp: Programming with Enhydra the Open Source Java Application Server. Java Magazin Edition 11.2000 November.
add!brain: E-Learning platform - a press conference. Java Magazin Edition 1.2001 January.
EJB Components Collection: Market analysis about Enterprise JavaBeans. OpenUSS as open source EJB components is also shown in this article. Java Magazin Edition 1.2001 January.
Automating the build processes for open source projects with open source tools jmk and ant. Linux Enterprise Edition 1.2001 January.
Open Source Java's Development with Sourcecode Centric Development (SCD). Java Magazin Edition 2.2001 February.
Jetty and Hiawatha: Open Source Java Web server. Java Magazin Edition 2.2001 February.

Special Edition: Open Source and Java (in German).

Open Source Java-Enterprise: Plattformen, Mediatoren und Communities.

Open Source: Economics Aspects of Open Source Software.

Open Source: Apache Platform in Java and XML.

Java Magazin Edition 4.2001 April.

World Wide Wireless: Enhydra Open Source in Wireless World. Java Magazin Edition 3.2001
Velocity Open Source Template Engine from Apache. Java Magazin Edition 6.2001
Open Source Java Messages Service: Joram, JBossMQ and OpenJMS. Java Magazin Edition 7.2001
Open Source Enhydra Application Server. Linux Enterprise Edition 7.2001
Java IDE: Open Source NetBeans and Forte4Java. A comparison. (in German). Java Magazin Edition 8.2001

Learning Java Programming Language with Open Source Products and Technologies.
This article outlines how Open Source Software can support the educational process in general and teaching and learning the Java programming language in particular. The relationship between the NetBeans Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment), FSL (Freestyle Learning) and OpenUSS (Open University Support System) will be shown as an integrated process of teaching and learning in the university environment.




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