Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)

Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)
last updated: 2002-09-09

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Reference Implementation

We will list all of instances or installed OpenUSS on the internet. Please send us an email, if you know another installed system of OpenUSS. We will put your OpenUSS instance in this list. (Great job Torsten for the graphic!!! - Now we are sure, where we all want to study ;-))

Here are the instances:


11. Bielefeld University Faculty of Sociology, Germany

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Arnd Scharpegge installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:
HP UX 11 (Unix), Sun JDK 1.3.0, 2 PA-RISC 240 MHz Processors, 5 GB RAM, 59 GB Harddisk

Database: Postgres 7.2.2

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


10. Fachhochschule Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Dallmoeller installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:

Database: InterBase 6.0.1

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


9. Fachhochschule Hagenberg, Austria

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schreiner installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:

Database: HypersonicSQL for test purpose

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


8. STIMIK Perbanas, Jakarta, Indonesia (LAN installation)

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Alex K. Anwar installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:

Database: HypersonicSQL for test purpose

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


7. National University of Pedagogy in Mexico City

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Ricardo Beltran and Arturo Morales installed this instance. Please contact them for more information.

Information about the system:
Pentium III 700 MHz Sun JDK 1.3, with Linux Red Hat 7.3

Database: PostgreSQL

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


6. K@iros - Institute for Political Science, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Young, University of Muenster, Germany

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Lutz Michaelsen installed this instance. K@iros is based on OpenUSS. This instance is a good example of how you can work on the presentation layer of OpenUSS. As you can see, you can change the look and feel of OpenUSS as you wish! Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:
Windows 2000 Server, Double Pentium III 1000 MHz, 512 MB RAM, Sun JDK 1.3(.2)

Database: InterBase 6.0.1

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


5. Institute for Distance Learning and Further Education, Cologne, Germany

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Carsten Paprotny installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:
Linux SuSe 7.3, Double Pentium III 733 MHz, 2 GB RAM, Sun JDK 1.3(.2)

Database: InterBase 6.0.1

EJB server: JOnAs 2.4

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


4. Technologie und Didaktik der Technik, University of Essen, Germany

Please go to http://www.tud, to see the main page of this institution.

Carsten Rudolph installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:
Linux SuSe 7.3, Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 30 GB Harddisk, Sun JDK 1.3(.2)

Database: InterBase 6.0.1

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


3. TU Darmstadt, Fachbereich Softwarekomponententechnologien, Germany

Please go to to see the main page of this institution.

Michael Eichberg and Michael Haupt installed this instance. Please contact them for more information.

Information about the system:
Linux SuSe 7.1, Athlon 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 30 GB Harddisk, Sun JDK 1.3(.0)

Database: InterBase 6.0.1

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


2. HTWK - Leipzig, Germany

Torsten Menzel installed this instance. Please contact him for more information.

Information about the system:
Linux SuSe 7.3, Athlon 1200 MHz, 512 MB RAM, 40 GB Harddisk, JDK 1.3.1

Database: PostgreSQL 7.1.2

EJB server: JOnAs 2.3

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1


1. University of Muenster, Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik und Controlling, Germany
We've installed the first instance of OpenUSS. Please use this system to manage your institutions.

Information about the distributed system:
Windows 2000 Server Servlet Server, Double Pentium II, 1 GB RAM, 30 GB Harddisk, Sun JDK 1.3.1
Windows 2000 Server EJB Server + Database Server, Double Pentium 1400 MHz, 6 GB RAM, 30 GB Harddisk, Sun JDK 1.3.1

Database: InterBase 6.0.1

EJB server: JOnAs 2.4

Presentation: Enhydra 3.1

Institute for Political Science Institute for Distance Learning and Further Education Technologie und Didaktik der Technik Fachbereich Softwarekomponententechnologien HTWK - Leipzig Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik und Controlling



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