Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)

Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)
last updated: 2002-09-09

Business Objects



Specifications for the business objects components


Component types

We divide our business components in three categories:

1) Entity Components (BO - Business Objects)
This components are representing the "entity" in our framework. An entity can be e.g. a student. We don't use the fine-grained component model. Instead we use a coarse-grained component model. This means that a student can be used as a component but not the student's name. This components will be represented by the EntityBeans.

"In general, an entity bean should represent an independent business object that has an independent identity and life cycle, and is referenced by multiple enterprise beans and/or clients. A dependent object should not be implemented as an entity bean. Instead, a dependent object is better implemented as a Java class (or several classes) and included as part of the entity bean on which it depends."

In this case our student component is independent and our student's name component is dependent on student.

2) Association Components (RO - Relationship Objects)
It is important to define the association in our components model. An association component is only apply to the entity component. In the association we'll only make the primary key of each associated components persistent. This components will be represented by the EntityBeans.

For example: An assistant can work in many faculties and a faculty can employ many assistants. So this is what we called n:m association. This is the most common association you can have. For this purpose we have make a new component called AssistantFaculty, which has a facultyId and a semesterId as the associated keys and also a assistantFacultyId as the primary key. For ease of use we provide the Assistant component and Faculty component instead of the ids.

So this means:
Assistant getAssistant...
Faculty getFaculty...
instead of
String getAssistantId
String getFacultyId

It is afterall easier to have an access to the object directly instead of doing a "finder method" in the home interface first.

3) Workflow - Helper Components (WO - Workflow Objects)
The Workflow - Helper components (we use the term helper and workflow for the same thing) are used to model the process available in the business objects (also called as "business processes"). This components will be represented by the SessionBeans.

For example: A student can apply for a login. This process "apply login for student" will be implemented as a helper component. Within this component you can access to one or more entity components.StudentHelper component is the helper/workflow component for the Student entity component.

Figure 1 shows us how to use these three types of components all together. Never access the BOs and ROs directly from the client! You should only access the WOs from the client. This makes it easier and faster to modify and customize the "workflow" of the whole system.


Figure 1: Components in OpenUSS


Component names

Please follow these rules for naming the EJBs:

BO Components

  • Interface XXX for the business object entity
  • Interface XXXObject for the EJBObject interface
  • Interface XXXHome for the EJBHome interface
  • Class XXXBean for the implementation of EntityBean
  • Class XXXPK for the implementation of PrimaryKey for the EntityBean

RO Components

  • Using a compound name between the entity components. For example: The AssistantFaculty component shows us the association beetwen Assistant component and the Faculty component.

WO Components

  • Interface XXXHelper for the business object helper/workflow
  • Interface XXXHelperObject for the EJBObject interface
  • Interface XXXHelperHome for the EJBHome interface
  • Class XXXHelperBean for the implementation of SessionBean


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