Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)

Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)
last updated: 2002-09-09



Data Objects
Business Objects
Presentation Objects

Mailing list

Hall of Fame


2002-02-06: All the developer's news at SourceForge site.
You can find all the developer's news at the SourceForge site for OpenUSS. This page is for the "old news" archives and some developer's documentations only!

2001-04-06: Opening of the CampusSource!
The CampusSource software download area is now open! We also already upgraded our download area. For the developers: all the sourcecodes of OpenUSS are now available at the cvs tree. To checkout this please refer to the manual of SourceForge.

2000-10-14: 300 downloads after a week!
The interest in EJB technology and Open Source is very big! This is what we can summarize after a week Alpha Release of OpenUSS (take a look at our statistics). The white paper for the OpenUSS Community is now online. So if someone wants to join us, just go there!

2000-10-05: The first Alpha Release of OpenUSS!
You can download the first alpha release of OpenUSS incl. all the sourcecodes (Enhydra PO, EJBs, etc.)! Just go to download page!

2000-09-22: We will support WAP mobile phone.
The latest version of our html storyboard shows you, that we'll support the faculty's news with WAP/WML as well. This is possible thanks to the WML support from Enhydra.

2000-09-06: OpenUSS at SourceForge.
We just want to remember you that you can also use all the services from SourceForge to support us!

2000-09-03: The spec. and the Foundation Components are revised.
We provide a new and improved specification for the Foundation Components and the common specification. Please refer to their pages respectively.

2000-08-24: UML class diagram for the Foundation Components is online.
We also provide you with a new paper for the Foundation Components included a design pattern for the EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) architecture.

2000-08-10: Data Object is online.
Business Object is online! Look at Data Objects.

2000-06-28: Business Object is online.
Business Object is online! Look at Business Objects.

2000-06-06: Presentation Object is online.
Presentation Object is online! Look at Presentation Objects.

2000-05-28: Technologies and architectures are completely defined.
Wellcome to the main portal OpenUSS for Developers! The main technologies. and architectures are ready to implement. Java will be used as the main technology. J2EE with Enhydra, JOnAs, HypersonicSQL, JBuilder Foundation for Linux, Argo/UML, CVS and of course Linux will be also used to support the OpenUSS project. Interested in this project? Join us!


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