Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)

Open Source Software for Universities and Faculties (Open Source University Support System)
last updated: 2002-09-09

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Roadmap of OpenUSS 2002

All the future roadmaps will be hosted at our OpenUSS Community!

Roadmap of OpenUSS 2000 - 2001

This is the plan for OpenUSS for the year 2000:

Work in advance (until the end of April 00)

Research and  und preparation.

Name of the project Define the name of the project. A portal for this project will be build as well. The address should be use the  (.org) suffix.
Choice of the technology basics Proposal for the technology is J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition – J2EE).
Documentation language The choices are beetwen German and English. English should be used for the documentation and project language.
Basic architecture Multi Tier Architecture.
Market analysis of  Open Source activities and products Analyse different kind of Open Source products and projects that could be interesting for this project.

All of the components of this system should be Open Source as well: database, application server and versioning system (This system  makes it possible to have a concurrent development with many developers through the internet - CVS Concurrent Versions System).

Publication in this area is offered by Java Magazin (in German language). Other publications are welcomed.

Specification for Developers (until the end of June 00)

The result of this phase is undoubtly important for the next phase. A Framework OpenUSS APIs should be introduced to the public at the end of this phase.

Architecture und white paper Definition of the system architecture for developers.  The entire documentation should be shipped in internet.
Specification for Developers The interfaces of the system should be defined. OpenUSS APIs are the main part of this work.
Portal opening This project should offer a portal for the developers. All of the works should be coordinated in this portal.
Marketing strategy Until now there is no other comparable project in this area.

In an Open Source project it is important to make the system well-known. This system should be registered in all famous search engines such as Yahoo! Besides it is advisable to make some presentations about the system.

Specification for Developers and Users in Foundation Components (until the end of October 00)

In this phase there will be a reference implementation of OpenUSS. The main goal is to introduce a portal for the universities, faculties and intitutes.

Reference Implementation OpenUSS APIs will be used to produce a real system. Important is to finish documentations for the end users.
Test of the Reference Implementation at the present university Test of the implemented system. We'll release our first beta for the Foundation Components of OpenUSS.
Introduction at cHL conference in Muenster, Germany Marketing day for OpenUSS system.
Specification for Developers and Users in Extension Components (until the end of December 00)

In this phase there will be a reference implementation of OpenUSS. The main goal is to provide more functionalities through the Extension Components of OpenUSS.

Extension Components Introduction and implementation of some Extension Components for OpenUSS.



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